About Us

In providing effective solutions, we listen to and understand you, we find out what’s necessary and we bring the best solution to life, for you.


t Roka Media we provide organisations with refreshing, industry-leading and engaging on-line business solutions. Whether you’re local or global, we can provide you with a tailor-made on-line business applications made to fit your needs.

Founded in 2005 and a level 1 BEE rated company, our growth and experience in the on-line industry has given us the competitive advantage of being a company that not only specialises in, but masters the on-line application development spectrum.

The Promise.

  • To our clients. We always aim to exceed your expectations by delivering superior, well managed and innovative solutions.
  • In our company. We encourage a culture of responsibility, a career filled with passion and an organisation based on dedicated, multifaceted and smart-thinking individuals.

We believe that there is always a better way of doing something.

We have a vision.

To be at the forefront of on-line business solutions that add maximum value to your business.

We have a mission.

To keep redefining, innovating and delivering unique on-line and interactive business solutions. From development to implementation of your vision, we always aim to deliver beyond your expectations.

A Perfect Team

With over 40 years of combined experience in the industry, we’re talented, multi-functional and top of our class. Our team continues to deliver innovative digital solutions to many companies across South Africa and Africa.

Creative minds, a professional attitude and a trusted network, guide us to newer heights, more success stories and a consistent ability to deliver unique and effective on-line solutions.

Each member of our team brings something different to Roka Media. The diversity of valuable skills, expertise and personalities contribute to creating unique solutions for you. And this makes us different as Roka Media.

Our Skills

Webdesign / 94%
Intranet Development / 87%
CMS / 91%
Graphic Design / 90%